Business Establishment

What you should know before taking first step

Türkiye’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Law is based on the principle of equal treatment and allows international investors to have the same rights and liabilities as local investors.

The conditions for setting up a business and transfer of shares are the same as those applied to local investors. International investors may establish any form of company set out in the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC), which provides for a corporate governance approach that meets international standards, fosters private equity and public offering activities, creates transparency in managing operations and brings the Turkish business environment in compliance with EU legislation as well as with the EU accession process.

Company Types under TCC and Alternative Forms

There are different forms of companies under the TCC, which states that companies may be established under the following types:

• Joint Stock Company (JSC)
• Limited Liability Company (LLC)
• General Partnership• Limited Partnership
• Partnership Limited by Shares

Although companies may be established according to these five different types, JSC and LLC are the most common types chosen both in the global economy and Türkiye.

Starting a business in Antalya is easy with Business in Antalya Team:

• Our professional lawyer prepares the corporate documents.
• We open a bank account tailored to your business needs.
• We obtain a tax identification number for the foreign real person.
• We register your company at the Turkish Trade Registry Directorate.
• We obtain a tax identification number for your firm.
• We will manage the preparation for all the documents involved.
• We will provide you a foreign language speaking companion during the whole process.


Do not hesitate to contact us to get information about the services we provide. We can also lead you to professionals for the services we do not provide. Please select the service you need below, our team will contact you.

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